
Mustafa Alsihati

Software Engineer

Here are some of the tools and technologies I use in my day-to-day life.

programming languages

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript -JavaScript but buffed (and better to be honest).
  • Python
  • Java -For Android and enterprise applications.
  • C# -For Windows applications and Unity.
  • C++
  • HTML -Barebones of the web.
  • CSS -Every website needs some styling.
  • PHP
  • Dart -Only for Flutter.

frameworks & libraries

  • React
  • Next.js -My favorite for web applications!
  • React Native -I prefer it always for mobile apps (especially using Expo).
  • Flutter
  • Vue.js
  • Nuxt.js
  • Node.js -For server side applications and APIs.
  • Express
  • Laravel -For PHP applications.
  • Angular.js
  • Redux -For state management in React.
  • Tailwind CSS -A most for styling web applications.
  • Electron


  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL -My favorite for relational databases.
  • Firebase -The best and easiest for small applications.
  • SQLite
  • Redis
  • MongoDB


  • MacBook Air (13", 2020)
  • Personal Computer -For gaming and heavy tasks!
  • Lenovo G34w-10 -That 2k ultrawide monitor lets me see everything!


  • VS Code -Of course!
  • Arc -Browser of choice: fast and clean.
  • Notion
  • Figma
  • ShareX -For taking screenshots, gifs, screen recording, and color picker.
  • Sentry IO -For error tracking and monitoring.
  • Postman
  • Docker
  • Railway -For deploying apps fast and easy (and cheaper)!
© 2024 - Mustafa Alsihati